TechRoad can supply VMS in six different sizes for use at either end of the project and any auxiliary roads.
We can supply Light Towers in either diesel or solar powered; with our crane truck we can deliver multiple light towers saving on delivery costs. The light towers have a timer fitted that will turn on and off automatically, saving staff visiting the site out of hours to turn the lights on and off.
The Speed Awareness Trailer (SAT) can be used to notify the drivers the speed that they are travelling through the work site; this effectively slows down the traffic in the work site area.
Portable traffic lights can be used for either end of the project, for a Haul Road and used for controlling traffic and pedestrians at intersections. Our equipment is ideal for use on construction of T intersections and Round-a-bouts.
TMA can be supplied by an associated company, and barrier system can be supplied and installed if required.