Variable Message Sign (VMS)
A VMS is often required for traffic management to inform drivers of changes in the road conditions. In addition, it improves workplace safety. TechRoad Hire's VMS can be accessed remotely to change your message if your work schedule changes. We provide a wide range of VMS to suit every application, from high speed highways to difficult access areas. Speed detection software is also available, to be used as a tool for managing speeding motorists.
Portable Traffic Light (PTL)
These units run self-sufficiently, year-round, and allow for 24-hour operation in directing traffic. They come with many unique safety features, including SMS fault alert and amber "safety" lights if faults occur. They can be set up for any distance required.
We can modify units to include double-headed lanterns, T- intersection requirements, and install Pedestrian Crossing Lights to work with the Portable Traffic Lights.Arrow Boards